Текст песни (караоке) Chris Botti & Shawn Colvin - All Would Envy
Old enough to be her dad
But the young men were just mad
They nursed their grievances
And she was flattered by his charm
It wouldn't do her any harm they all had their chances
He sent her flowers and limousines
She was treated like a queen
Anything she ever wanted
It was no problem for a man like him
And everyone expected soon
That she could ask him for the moon
If she would wear his ring
Knowing glances from his friends
In the homes at the weekends of high society
But he didn't give a damn
He never felt more like a man
And all the time the clock was ticking
And all would envy
The older man and his beautiful young wife
Yes, all would envy
In a house upon a hill
She was there with time to kill
She lived a life she'd only dreamed
The life was never what it seemed
To all her friends that she?d ignored
She denied she was bored
She had no time for dancing, no time for dancing
But the clock upon the wall
That was ticking in the hall
Always reminded her
That life was going on as well
But she was happy and she would swear
She wouldn't change a thing
And all would envy
The older man and his beautiful young wife
Yes, all would envy
Now it's five o'clock am
She must have spent the night again
With that old friend of hers
She loves to dance
She's missing more and more these days
But he's still stuck in his old ways
Perhaps she needs a little more romance
But the clock upon the wall is still ticking in the hall
She must be home soon? soon
Where a younger man would weep
He takes a pill and goes to sleep
And all would envy
The older man and his beautiful young wife
Who would envy?
Who would envy?
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есть возможность прослушать 30 секундный фрагмент в формате MP3 Pro 96 kbps
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van'Basco Karaoke
Player, как наиболее качественный софт, предназначенный для
караоке. Не рекомендуется использовать WinAmp,
Windows Media Player так, как
эти универсальные проигрыватели не всегда корректно и уcтойчиво
работают с караоке. GalaKar Karaoke
Player некорректно обрабатывает SYSX
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Если, у Вас установлена обычная звуковая карта , не поддерживающая
стандрат XG (все интегрированные
аудиокарты, серии Live,Audigy,C-Media) для корректного воспроизведения
караоке с пометкой XG/SXG рекомендуется установить программный
эммулятор Y-SXG
Если, у Вас установлена обычная звуковая карта , не поддерживающая
стандрат GS/GM2 рекомендуется установить программный
эммулятор VSC-88 Roland
Если, Для корректного воспроизведения караоке файлов в формате TyRus стандрат TR рекомендуется установить программный VST синтезатор TyRus Софтсинты для караоке