Текст песни (караоке) Status Quo - In the army now |
A vacation in the foreign land
Uncle Sam does the best he can
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Now you remember what the draft man said
Nothing to do all day but stay in bed
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
You'll be a hero of the neighbourhood
Nobody knows that you left for good
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Smiling faces on the way to 'Nam
But once you get there no one gives a damn
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Hand grenades flying over your head,
The sun's flying over your head.
If you wanna survive get out of bed.
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Shots ring out in the dead of night
The sergeant calls: "Stand up and fight!"
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
You've got orders don't shoot on sight,
Your finger's on the trigger but it don't seem right.
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Night is falling and you just can't see
Is this illusion or reality
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
You're in the army now
Oh, oh o you're in the army - now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
Oh, oh o you're in the army
In the army - now
Рунет о песне « Status Quo » - « In the army now » |
In the Army Now - восемнадцатый альбом британской рок-группы Status Quo. Вышел в свет в 1986 году.
Наиболее известная композиция с этого альбома, кавер-версия голландо-бурского дуэта братьев Роба и Ферди Болландов "In the army now", написанная на армейскую тематику в 1981 году, заняла второе место в чартах Британии. | |
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